I am like many others out there that love Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond. Today, I decided that I would make her Flat Applie Pie since I had some granny smith apples laying around.
It isn't as pretty as the one that she has in her cookbook (page 216-217 of The Pioneer Woman Cooks" but hopefully it will taste good.
Here is her recipe:
5 peeled and sliced Granny Smith apples
2 T all-purpose flour
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/4 t salt
2 pie crusts (I used Ree's pie crust receipe)
1) Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2) In large bowl, stire together the apples, flour, lemon juice, sugars and salt. Set aside.
3) Roll out two pie crusts into large circles. Place the circles on large baking sheets.
4) Place half the apple mixture on one crust and the other half on the other crust.
5) Fold over the edge of each crust so that it covers 2-3 inches of the apple mixture. No need to be artistic.
6) Dot the tops of teh pies with the butter
7) Bake for 30-40 minutes until the filling is golden and bubbly. If crust browns too quickly, cover the edges with aluminum foil for remaining baking time.
8) Allow to cool slightly, then slice into wedges with a pizza cutter.
Ree's pie as shown in her cookbook is perfectly golden and looks great. However this is what my pie looks like. As you will see, the sugar part of the filling has run from the pie crust and onto my baking sheet. The apples look dry but the crust looks okay. I guess we will see how it tastes after dinner tonight.

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